For this activation Activia wanted multiple green screen photography systems in multiple Tesco stores on multiple dates. So we needed a smart neat and affordable solution which the brand ambassadors could setup and run themselves. We designed and supplied the complete system utilising the latest iPad pro’s with special wide angle lenses to keep it all compact. Instant photographs were also required to give shoppers an incentive. The client also wanted instant social media sharing direct to mobile phones. And the whole system had to be battery powered as no mains power was available. Here’s how it looked.
The iPad system was designed for easy use and to be monitored and supported by our staff remotely by wifi which we also supplied. We also setup a whatsapp group for the staff for any problems, and telephone support, plus visited stores as required. And we designed all the green screen backdrops, branded overlays and presets for all the social media. Plus of course branded overlays for the photographs that were printed.
Shoppers were invited to try the new no added sugar Activia. Then they could take a seat on the bench and choose from a variety of scenes worldwide which matched the TV adverts. Instantly they were transported into the scene, a photograph was printed and they could text or email a link to their mobile phone. This took them to a branded microsite from which they could share their creation. It was a very popular activity and worked really well over three weeks in many stores UK wide. Here’s a litte video shot on an iPhone just to give you a idea.